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Devon Business Consultant Online School

Work has become an integral part of our lives, identities and well-being. But the employment world is mandated to recruiting agencies, who by definition "convince people to work for a company." It began to be driven by the pursuit of personal performance rather than the drive to help the individual find a satisfying job. Material and moral losses were incurred due to serious misunderstandings about the complexity of visa and immigration policies.


We founded British Consulting to change that. We wanted to create a stepping stone for thousands of brilliant, intelligent, ambitious, and brave English-speaking people to achieve their dreams.


We are here for them every step of the way, from our initial call to a job offer. We provide practical tools to consider all options, provide constructive feedback, share industry-specific advice, and encourage them to be what they want. Whether it's a fresh start or a long-awaited opportunity, we push the boundaries and discover how the seemingly unreal can become real.


In a world of possibilities beyond borders, we help them find where they truly belong.

Image by krakenimages
Image by Jack B

Our Mission is to Empower

We dare to change

 #we are excited

We do not settle for mediocrity and
we always find ways to improve

He cares a lot about our network
and we share their stories

be an example

Commitment to result

Resume communication 
and we will help you apply our advice in real life too.

We make sure we reach the result you aim for

We all share and live the values that guide our business decisions, operational processes and client work to make a real difference in the career counseling industry.


[ Marketing and Branding ]

Our strategists, creators, analysts and marketers ensure that our growing community stays engaged with relevant brand initiatives and useful content across all platforms.


 [ Operations ]

Whatever the circumstances, we rely on the operations team for top business performance and the smooth implementation of our ideas.


[ Advisors ]

Our mentors and consultants help us run our business most efficiently and expand into new industries and the UK.

Our core values

We deliver what we promise


We help you implement your projects in real life.


With our operation team, we are with you in the conclusion of the applications and the continuation.


30 years of commercial experience in various sectors in Europe and the UK


International companies, individual consultancy, we support you to reach the result


We work to make a real difference in the career counseling industry

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